Controlling Turfgrass Pests 3rd Edition Thomas W Fermanian Malcolm C Shurtleff Roscoe Randell Henry T Wilkinson Philip L Nixon 9780130981431 Books Livres gratuit Controlling%20Turfgrass%20Pests%203rd%20Edition%20Thomas%20W%20Fermanian%20Malcolm%20C%20Shurtleff%20Roscoe%20Randell%20Henry%20T%20Wilkinson%20Philip%20L%20Nixon%209780130981431%20Books
Livres gratuit Controlling Turfgrass Pests 3rd Edition Thomas W Fermanian Malcolm C Shurtleff Roscoe Randell Henry T Wilkinson Philip L Nixon 9780130981431 Books YCV
This book is a valuable reference to turfgrass consultants and representatives of a variety of agribusinesses that serve the turfgrass industry. It contains both the technical and practical information necessary for decision-making and the day-to-day operation in all areas of turfgrass culture and management. Coverage is provided on maintenance of turfgrasses. other pertinent topics include biology and management of weeds in turfgrasses biology and management of diseases in turfgrasses as well as biology and control of insects and related pests in turfgrass. coverage is also included on the application of equipment and the safe use of pesticides. For Turf Managers, Landscapers, Lawn Care Managers, and Golf Course Superintendents.
Thomas W. Fermanian, Malcolm C. Shurtleff, Roscoe Randell, Henry T. Wilkinson, Philip L. Nixon,Controlling Turfgrass Pests (3rd Edition),Pearson,0130981435,Agriculture - General,Turf management,Turf management.,Turfgrasses - Diseases and pests - Control,Turfgrasses;Diseases and pests;Control.,Agriculture farming,Control,Diseases and pests,Flowers - General,GARDENING / Flowers / General,Gardening / Horticulture,Mathematics science,Non-Fiction,Pest control,SCI/TECH,Scholarly/Graduate,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Agriculture / General,Technology Engineering,Technology Engineering/Agriculture - General,Textbooks (Various Levels),Turfgrasses,United States
Controlling Turfgrass Pests 3rd Edition Thomas W Fermanian Malcolm C Shurtleff Roscoe Randell Henry T Wilkinson Philip L Nixon 9780130981431 Books Reviews :
This book is a valuable reference to turfgrass consultants and representatives of a variety of agribusinesses that serve the turfgrass industry. It contains both the technical and practical information necessary for decision-making and the day-to-day operation in all areas of turfgrass culture and management. Coverage is provided on maintenance of turfgrasses. other pertinent topics include biology and management of weeds in turfgrasses biology and management of diseases in turfgrasses as well as biology and control of insects and related pests in turfgrass. coverage is also included on the application of equipment and the safe use of pesticides. For Turf Managers, Landscapers, Lawn Care Managers, and Golf Course Superintendents.
Thomas W. Fermanian, Malcolm C. Shurtleff, Roscoe Randell, Henry T. Wilkinson, Philip L. Nixon,Controlling Turfgrass Pests (3rd Edition),Pearson,0130981435,Agriculture - General,Turf management,Turf management.,Turfgrasses - Diseases and pests - Control,Turfgrasses;Diseases and pests;Control.,Agriculture farming,Control,Diseases and pests,Flowers - General,GARDENING / Flowers / General,Gardening / Horticulture,Mathematics science,Non-Fiction,Pest control,SCI/TECH,Scholarly/Graduate,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Agriculture / General,Technology Engineering,Technology Engineering/Agriculture - General,Textbooks (Various Levels),Turfgrasses,United States
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